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Peter Boyd探長指揮著一支經過多種訓練的警探和科學家的警察隊伍-懸案小組,使用現代的方法和原來調查時還沒有的新科技來專門調查的未破獲的老謀殺案。Det. Supt. Peter Boyd (played by Trevor Eve) is the leader of a multi-discipline police team of detectives and scientists, the Cold Case Squad, which investigates old, unsolved murder cases using modern methods and new technology that may not have been available during the original investigation.Led by Detective Superintendent Peter Boyd ( Trevor Eve ) the Cold Case Squad investigates serious crimes which have gone unsolved. Armed with the latest technological advances and old fashioned hard work, Psychological Profiler Grace Foley ( Sue Johnston ), Forensic Pathologist Frankie Wharton ( Holly Aird ), Detective Constable Mel Silver ( Claire Goose ) and Detective Sergeant Spencer Jordan ( Wil Johnson ) wake the dead for clues and answers.


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